I've MOVED!!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Fiction Is Rosier

               Smallville.  My absolute favorite TV show.  A ten season, Sci-fi smash hit chronicling the early years of Clark Kent.  Before he was Superman. 
               The majority of the first 4 seasons took place in the halls of Smallville High.   And when I say halls, I mean halls.  It seems that the Smallville High student body spent a large part of their collective day between classes.  Our favorite characters were blessed with many school dances, sports events and the occasional field trip.  But even though we hear talk of tests, tutoring and study sessions, we only see our stars in class if a hugely plot-essential incident is about to happen or if the teacher will soon be revealed as the villain.  So, at a glance, it seems that our beloved characters live lives of juicy social interactions and exciting action sequences while wearing backpacks. 
               It makes perfect sense that our favorite fictions cut out the boring stuff.  I wouldn't have watched the show if it began with Clark listening to a twenty minute history lecture, followed by a trip to his locker, then standing in the lunch line and concluded with him bent over an important math test.  That's not entertainment.  That's life.
               Sometimes I think my life is less than it should be.  That I'm not interesting enough, that I'm not ambitious enough or that there's some wonderful, exciting thing out there that I should be doing.  But the reality is always rosier on the other side of the screen.  So when you find that life doesn't measure up to fiction, don't adjust your TV set, adjust your mindset.  Enjoy fiction as fiction and enjoy life as life.
               And if you have Jesus as your Savior, you have the best reality a person can have.  A reality of hope and purpose.
               "Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”  Hebrews 13:5

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