I've MOVED!!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

When You Become the Fist of Goodness...

I love this series of DIRECTV commercials!!!  Sooo Funny! But they remind me of something (as usual). 
I was thinking the other day about a bad habit I have.  And then another day about a new bad habit that was cropping up and I remembered these commercials. The series of events on this commercial is like temptation in my life.  I let myself get away with one little sin and it causes another that causes another and then I realize I have this sinful habit!  Woops!
Here's a non-me example so that I don't have to embarrass myself:
When you daydream about becoming famous and important, your real life seems hard and boring...
When your real life seems hard and boring, you get cranky...
When you get cranky, you yell at your boss, have a fight with your friends and break things...
When you yell at your boss, have a fight with your friends and break things; you end up jobless, homeless and in debt...
Don't end up jobless, homeless and in debt!
Here's another one:
When you think a lot about how you look, you want to be good-looking...
When you want to be good-looking, you get jealous...
When you get jealous, you feel sad and angry...
When you feel sad and angry, you make fun of someone...
When you make fun of someone, someone cries...
When someone cries, you get punched in the nose...
Don't get punched in the nose!
My point is that sin snowballs.  It grows and builds on itself.  And it ends up with us acting like jerks and getting bad consequences.  So we have to try to cut it out when it's just a dumb, little thought.  Because that dumb little thought is actually a sin.
"The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure."  
1 Corinthians 10:13
By the way, I don't have anything against becoming "The Fist of Goodness".  But only in a strictly law enforcement, super hero, defending the innocent sort of setting. Because, you know, " 'Vengeance is Mine' says the Lord".


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