I've MOVED!!

Thursday, July 3, 2014


There are no extras in life.

In the background of our favorite movies, actors called "extras" fill in all the gaps to make scenes look realistic: a crowd at a baseball game, diners in a restaurant, people walking on a busy sidewalk.

Everyday, in our real lives we see people in the background too.  I was at a concert recently (shout out to Casting Crowns) and I looked around at the crowd.  There were about 3,000 people there and suddenly I realized that God knows every single one of them.  He knows each name, each life and every thought of each of those people. 

The entire Bible teaches us that God loves every single person.  He loves us all unconditionally and equally.

No one is "extra" to God.

No one has a "bit part".  Your waitress, your neighbor, the guy behind you in traffic, your coworkers, your classmates and the girl standing in your way at the grocery store are not "extras" in your life.  Each one of them is someone that God loves, someone that Jesus died to save.  Just like you.  Each one is made in the image of God and is just as important to God as you are.  And never forget that you are never "extra" either.

This is an amazing truth that should affect your life. God tells us to love our neighbors (Mark 12:31), our enemies (Matthew 5:44), other Christians (John 13:34-35) and-oh yeah-EVERYONE:
1 Thessalonians 3:12a "And may the Lord make your love for one another and for all people grow and overflow,"     
"For God so loved"...who? Smart people? Attractive people? Friendly people? Interesting people? Important people? No.  

"For God so loved the WORLD, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 NLT (emphasis mine)

Stop condemning, comparing and coveting. Don't get down on yourself or up on yourself. These are all sins that I struggle with and they are not good for me.  They don't add anything to my life. They steal a lot of peace and joy, in fact. 

Remind yourself of who you are and who everyone else is and you won't regret it.  You are LOVED by God and so is everyone else. 

God has given you invincible love, grace and joy, so overflow!  Spread the love!!!

In God's Universe, There Are No Extras. 

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