I've MOVED!!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Previously On

             We've all heard it.  The sixty second recap montage before a new episode.  Sometimes the review can be redundant but if you've ever watched a complicated show like LOST, Once Upon a Time or Person of Interest you can appreciate a quick rundown. 
              If you had tried to watch an episode of LOST in the middle of a season, you wouldn't have had any idea what was going on.  You'd need the recap to tell you that a plane crash left an odd group of survivors on a mysterious island already occupied by a cult of peacey psychopaths.  You wouldn't know what a "tailie" was or what "the hatch" meant.  And pressing a button every 108 minutes would just sound crazy to you.  You'd be, well... lost.

             It's the same thing with the Bible.  If you just pull one verse off of a random page and don't read the surrounding verses or look at God's Word as a whole, the message you get might be confusing or you might interpret it wrong.
             Being confused about an episode of LOST is one thing- LOST is just a TV show- but being confused about the basic messages of the Bible is another.  The Bible is God's message to humanity.  It's all about life, death, Heaven and Hell.  The most important things for any person.  And even if you don't believe it yet, it is so important to understand it clearly.  So don't take it out of context!  Make sure you look into the "previously on".

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