I've MOVED!!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Side Effects

   Dizziness, fainting, blood clots, stroke, heart attack...  These are just a few of the possible side effects of the many prescription drugs that are advertised every day on TV.  Whether you sit down to watch a shark week special, a mini marathon, your favorite drama or the news; you will probably see a prescription drug ad or two.  Sprightly music plays while cartoon animals have a picnic and the voice over announcer uses a hushed tone to warn you about what could possibly go wrong if you take this medicine.
            The Bible talks about side effects. Galatians 5:22-23  "But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!"
            Love, joy, peace, patience...  This is what Jesus offers.  These are the side effects of having Jesus as your Savior.  And these side effects don't occur in rare cases.  This is what you have when you have Jesus.  If you sincerely accept Jesus as your Savior, you get the Holy Spirit.  And the Holy Spirit gives kindness, goodness, faithfulness, self-control...  A world of unimaginable wonder and purpose.
            Christians still disobey God and do stupid things sometimes but if a person sincerely accepts Jesus as their Savior there will be... side effects.  If Jesus is your Savior and you're letting yourself get in the way of His side effects- stop it!  If you don't know Jesus, don't go another second living without Him.  You need Him to rescue you from God's punishment.  The joy and fulfillment He will give you isn't available anywhere else!  You don't have to talk to your doctor- ask God to prescribe Jesus this very instant and start living like you never could before!

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