I've MOVED!!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Go On - A Family of Misfits

NBC's freshman sitcom Go On is both deep and deeply funny!  Ryan King (Matthew Perry) is a sports radio personality who joins a support group after the death of his wife.  The strange members of the group are all very different but the one thing they do have in common is that they each need help.  They commit themselves to sticking together and the results are both hysterical and heartwarming.  They throw birthday parties, cat-sit and dress up in ridiculous Halloween costumes just to support each other.  They even show up at Ryan's house in the middle of the night when they know he's lonely.


        When I watch Go On's group of misfits, I cannot help but think of my own experiences with other Christians.   Have you ever been around a group of Christians?  We are a weird, mismatched bunch!             
 Think about it...the central message of the Bible is that ANYONE and EVERYONE can accept the salvation that God offers through Jesus.  So Christians are people of different ages, appearances and pay grades.  People with different kinds of lifestyles, different family situations and work histories and many with extraordinary life experiences and sometimes criminal backgrounds.  We're all different but the One Thing we do have in common is that we know we need help: our Savior Jesus.  So take all of these strange characters and then put them into an environment where everyone is supposed to be accepting and loving.  It's amazing and strange and I love it! 
God tells us over and over in the Bible that Christians are a family.  Brothers and sisters!  He commands us to commit ourselves to sticking together no matter what.  So we should be more like the goofy friends of Go On and be so supportive that it's ridiculous! 
John 13:34-35
"So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other.  Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.  Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples." 

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